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Seeds are powerful! Once sown in the heart, they will certainly grow to become a tree and produce a harvest, sooner or later. Fortunately, the size of the harvest is always more than the size of the seed. The kind of harvest/fruits is dependent on the kind of seed sown. Seeds can produce a harvest that gladdens the sower’s heart, if a good seed is sown. Contrarily, if the seed sown is evil, a harvest of regret is produced.

One of the very potent seeds the devil uses in our days is the seed of the media (what we watch on our phones, television, laptops, tablets, etc.). Thankfully, the Gospel of Christ Jesus is gradually gaining ground in the media today. However, the media is still a very strong battleground for the souls of men, and many struggle to control what they expose themselves to. In the quest for likes, views, and followers in order to make money, many content creators release inordinate things into the media. The devil uses these sources to sow evil seeds of several kinds in the heart of the young, the youth, the teenagers and the old, and walks away, expecting these evil seeds to cry for an expression one day.

Audio-visuals are very powerful seeds in the mind. They give an image that could resurface decades after it has been sown. It has destroyed, and it is still destroying the

lives of many . Many people today unknowingly carry evil seeds that will one day cry for an expression by virtue of what evil they’ve been exposed to and allowed into their hearts through several media platforms, mobile phones, TV shows, movies, cartoons etc.

The devil is very cunny. He studies our low and unsuspecting moments to carry out his

planting. Little wonder the scripture says,

“Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23, GW).

 How often do you guard your heart against any evil seed? Why do you want to make your heart a fertile ground for evil seeds through what you expose yourself to on that mobile phone, tablet or laptop? Repent today and deliberately fight against all evil seeds: pornography, lust, lies, drugs, alcohol, worldliness, covetousness, etc. Embrace Jesus Christ today to help you as you make all efforts to guard your heart. To guard your heart, you must obey what the scripture says in Titus 2:11-12 (NIV) and make it your reality.

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us

to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.– Titus 2:11-12 (NIV)

If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ, then, these evil seeds will cry for expression one day and you will not be able to handle their consequential harvest. Invite Jesus into your heart today and accept the grace that He alone provides. Give Jesus Christ the key to your life and let Him control you. Tell Him to come to your heart and destroy every evil seed in you NOW! Get a Christ-centred church to consistently attend. Continually live your life in Christ and embrace true discipleship.

God bless you!

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