Showing all 3 results

  • A Joyful Home (PDF)


    The book is a journey. It takes you from knowing God’s will in choosing right partner till marriage. Marriage is meant to be heaven on earth; not hell on earth.

  • Marriage- A covenant of Separate Identity (PDF)


    The message in SEPARATE IDENTITY is born out of the author’s desire to encourage couples to see themselves as irreplaceable gifts from God to one another irrespective of their many differences.

    The need for Christian indigenous author who will make the word of God relevant and meaningful to his environment cannot be over emphasized in a changing world as ours.

    Reading this book will afford singles and couples the opportunity to know important factors to be considered in order to overcome separate identity problems. Interestingly many lovely life experiences were included which will enable any reader of this book to finish the reading at once.

    This book is recommended to both singles and couples to study and read. It addresses the concept of separate identity in marriage as what should unite couples together rather than what many are experiencing in marriages today such as; divisions, separations, quarrels and divorce.

  • Understanding Marriage Covenant (PDF)


    Marriage is not just a legal union, a partnership nor a contract, but a covenant.